Newsletter from Principal, Mads Frost

Dear students and Parents,

Welcome back. I hope you have had a long and wonderful holiday and are ready for a new and exciting school year.

COVID-19 and everyday life
We got off to a good start, because all the restrictions have been lifted, which means that we can organize school almost as usual. Social events, parent meetings and school / home conferences can be resumed in the classical sense and parents can re-enter the school.

Let us hope together that it will be a year in which COVID-19 does not become so violently intrusive in our daily lives.

Of course, we still follow the Danish Health Authority's recommendations regarding hygiene, infection detection, etc. and together with Roskilde municipality we will also start testing again from Monday 16th August.

You will be continuously informed, if or when, there are new initiatives in relation to COVID-19.

Renovation and change
Even though it has been a summer holiday, a lot has happened at the school during the summer.

• We have renovated and set-up the 2nd floor on Algade, where we have expanded our lease.

• We have had the 2 pavilions taken down and removed from the schoolyard and it has provided good space, light and air.

• We are in full swing with the establishment of new entrances to the large hall.

• We have cleaned the “Solgården”, made new drains and prepared it for a new exciting schoolyard environment, which is expected to be completed during the spring of 2022.

• We are almost finished with a total renovation of our music room, workshop and visual arts room.

• Our premises in the vicarage have also been overhauled during the summer holidays.

• We have established a playground committee which is working on a comprehensive plan for the entire school yard environment and our green areas.

In other words, we have got off to a really good start with our ambitious 5 year plan for the renovation of our lovely school. A plan with big visions for playground, indoor climate, building and furniture improvements and not least a more sustainable and energy optimized school.

New structures and better conditions alone do not make a good school and therefore we also work with our students educating them on sustainability and caring for the environment.

School chess will also be a major focus area this year in all classes and departments.

New children and students

• 4 new children have started in kindergarten

• 48 new students divided into two 0 grade classes starts tomorrow Tuesday

• 14 new students in Y1 students in the International Department

• 24 students in the new 6th grade

• 48 students divided into 2 new 7th grades

• 75 students in 10th grade

• In addition, many new students have been started in some of the existing classes

We know that everyone will welcome our new children and students, and I am sure that they will very soon feel at home in their new surroundings here at Skt. Josef's School.

New employees

We also have new faces among the staff and I am pleased to be able to present the following new staff

Management and administration

Peter Christian Holst has been hired as the new department head for indskoling og mellemtrin


Andrew Dymock - (ADY) P.E./ Sports and Religion
Jack Francis Knowles - (JFK) Secondary English
Lesley Melo - (LEA) Year 5 Class Teacher, Drama and Project X

Indskoling og mellemtrin (Primary)

Maria Lunau Lindqvist (MAL) er dansk- og klasselærer i 1.A og har bl.a. derudover idræt, religion og AKT
Donna Mijan (DMI) er musik, billedkunst og engelsklærer. Derudover har hun et Hip Hop- valghold på 5. årgang
Morten Fich Lønnee (MFI) er natur og teknologilærer i rigtig mange klasser. Derudover har han idræt, STEM på 4. årgang og TEMADAG på 6. årgang

Udskoling (Secondary)

Bianca Elisabeth Johansson – (BJO) har dansk-, engelsk- og kulturfagslærer på 7. årgang og 10. årgang
Tommy Sylvest – (TS) er koordinator og kernelærer samt dansk- og engelsklærer på 10 årgang
Mikkel Rørvig Sørensen – (MRS) er matematik- idræt og kulturfagslærer på 7.- 9. årgang + 6 årgang.
Maia Stripp – (MAS) er idrætslærer på 7-9 årgang, svømning, idræt på mellemtrinnet og vikar

Safe school start

Across the country, there are plenty of small new road users, so take good care of them out there.

In this connection, it should be mentioned that we recommend the path system through Folkeparken as an arrival route to the school.

For the smallest classes, we are ready with a school patrol, and when the dark time comes, we are ready with the "gåbus” through Folkeparken (from autumn holidays to Easter).

Of course, it is also possible to arrive at the school via Frederiksborgvej. You just have to be aware that it is heavily congested and that it is not possible to drive into the school car park during the period weekdays 07:30 to 08:15, just as it is not allowed to stop on the road outside the school.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, the school's parking is closed all day, as we receive our new kindergarten classes in both the Danish and international department

Welcome back.

Mads Frost, principal

Rikke Holm