Year 7 - Year 9 (11-14 years old)
Skt. Josef's International School has designed a secondary school curriculum that builds on the learning achieved in the Primary department as well as seeking an alignment of mission, learning targets, pedagogy and assessment. Five skill areas underpin learning in the Secondary classes and create alignment with the outcomes and skills required for Year 10 and Year 11 (IGCSE). The general skill areas are research skills, social skills, communication skills, thinking skills and self-management skills. These skills not only reflect our aim to empower students and teachers in a culture that prioritises curiosity, humility and community, but are also the values inherent within the Skt. Josef’s School learner profile.
Whilst the majority of our curriculum is the Cambridge International Curriculum, we have adapted it to reflect the needs and circumstances of our students and our international context. This individual tailoring of the curriculum allows Skt. Josef's International School to better cater for a greater range of diverse learners.
It is in the Secondary School that we begin to introduce new, more specialised classes such as Spanish, Home Economics and Digital Literacy, whilst Global Perspectives is incorporated with History and Geography under the subject Humanities. As our students work towards Year 9, they are guided in making choices for IGCSE courses with external examinations normally taken at the end of Year 11.
Lower Secondary subjects and reports
English, Mathematics, Science, History/Geography, Religion, ICT, Spanish, Physical Education, Arts & Design, Project X, Home Economics, PSHE, Danish Level 1 - 4*.
*Danish: We offer three weekly lessons of Danish in Year 7 - 9. We allocate two teachers to every class and split the group. Level 4 students will be one group and Level 1 -3 students will be another group
Students will be assessed continually on a formative basis through the day-to-day teaching and learning process. Formal assessment can take place in the form of Cambridge Progression Tests.
School reports are written for all core subjects. A Progress Report is written twice a year (in October and February) and a more detailed End of Year Report is sent home in June. They are used as a basis for student-parent-teacher conferences where the class teacher(s) and subject teachers talk with students and their parents on a one-to-one basis about their performance to decide on the path forward.
Our Cambridge Lower Secondary program at Skt. Josef’s
Our tailored Skt, Josef’s Lower Secondary program caters for students in Years 7 to 9. It covers the following Cambridge International Curriculum subjects at each Year level:
In addition, our Skt. Josef’s lower secondary students study the following locally designed subjects:
Home Economics
Personal, Social, Health and Economics
Project X
Selected students also have the opportunity to study the Danish Ministry of Education’s Advanced Danish subject at the respective Year level.
Parent information
Parents’ meetings are held at the beginning of each new school year. Parents, without their children, are invited to come along to information meetings. The topics cover everything from social to practical aspects of school life such as the school year, the curriculum and important dates. This is an opportunity to ask any questions you might have.
Student-Parent-Teacher conferences are held twice a year. Parents are allocated a time slot when they and the student can come and talk with their class and subject teachers.