Mission & Values


Since the sisters established Skt. Josef’s School in 1904, it has been the mission that the school should be a place for all children, irrespective of belief, creed or background.

At Skt. Josef’s we strive to make every individual feel valued, happy and successful.  We encourage care, respect and responsibility, and integrity is prized. Working together in a safe, caring yet stimulating environment, we set high expectations whilst offering strong support, believing that this will lead to individuals who will succeed in their community. 

Our Mission


 ·      To create a value based school environment where every individual is seen as a unique human being and making sure each child is seen and heard.

·       To encourage our students to progress academically, whatever their talents, to be passionate about striving to achieve their full potential in their academic, creative and social endeavours.

·       To encourage curiosity and creativity as an essential part of an individual’s self-development as well as the ability to make ethically based choices.

·       To give all our students a consistently excellent schooling in a safe and healthy, learning environment.

Our Values

·       Courage - to challenge ourselves and strive for a set of goals. We value the opportunity for all to take risks, learn from mistakes, express themselves and reflect on life and learning.

·       Belief and Respect- in ourselves and the abilities of others. We allow students time and space to be who they are and to begin to discover who they might become.

·       Care - we accept that each individual is important. We value creating a safe environment for our students in which they can thrive

·       Community - to promote equality, fairness and tolerance. We treat others as we would want to be treated ourselves.

Our Character

·   Grit - Grit is perseverance and passion for long-term goals.

·   Growth Mindset - means understanding that intelligence can be developed.

·   Optimism - is being hopeful about future outcomes combined with the agency to shape that future.

·   Zest - also referred to as vitality—is an approach to life that is filled with excitement and energy.

·   Self-control - is controlling one's own responses so they align with short- and long-term goals.

·   Curiosity - is a strong desire to learn or know something—a search for information for its own sake.

·   Purpose - means being driven by something larger than yourself.

·   Gratitude - is the appreciation for the benefits we receive from others, and the desire to reciprocate.

·   Social-Emotional Intelligence - is understanding feelings and using them to inform actions. 

For more about character...