Year 1 - Year 6 (5 to 11 years old)
The primary department is committed to ensuring that the children embark on their learning journey in an environment that provides stimulating and exciting experiences, and where the strong pastoral ethos helps the children feel safe, secure and happy to learn. We have well established systems in place for welcoming and supporting children to settle into their new learning environment. We value each child as an individual and work hard to nurture his or her personal strengths and interests.
Children typically start school in Year 1, at 5 years of age (one year earlier than in the Danish school system), through to the completion of primary school, Year 6, at around 10-11 years of age.
As the children progress from Year 1 through the first primary years, emphasis is especially placed on the acquisition of skills and understanding in literacy and numeracy. Cross-curricular links are made, where appropriate, to make the learning meaningful and relevant. A wealth of special days, events and field trips extend and enhance the classroom activities, and often act as a catalyst for new learning. Teaching strategies are varied according to the purpose of a task and personalised to reflect the needs of each child. In our primary department, we creatively nurture each individual and our teaching reflects our belief that happy and confident children learn most effectively.
Our integrated curriculum is underpinned by a structured approach to teaching the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. Towards the end of the primary section, the children will be prepared for their secondary school education. While standards are benchmarked against the very best, our curriculum reflects our international setting and celebrates diversity. We are particularly proud of the breadth of our provision and the many opportunities for children to achieve.
Primary subjects and reports
English, Mathematics, Science, Global Perspectives, Religion, Physical Education, Digital Literacy, Arts & Crafts, Performing Arts/Music, PSHE, Danish Level 1 - 4*, and Swimming in Year 5.
*Danish: We offer three weekly lessons of Danish in Year 1 - 6. We allocate two teachers to every class and split the group. Level 4 students will be one group and Level 1 -3 students will be another group.
Students will be assessed continually on a formative basis through the day-to-day teaching and learning process. Formal assessment can take place in the form of Cambridge Progression Tests from Year 4 to Year 6.
There are three reporting periods throughout the year. A Progress Report is provided twice a year, one in autumn and the other in spring. These Progress Reports are accompanied with a parent-student-teacher conference, where learning, progress and ways to move forward are discussed. The final report is the End-of-Year report, a more formal, written report including grades and comments from each teacher.
Our Cambridge Primary program at Skt. Josef’s
Our tailored Skt. Josef’s Primary program caters for students in Years 1 to 6. It covers the following Cambridge International Curriculum subjects at each Year level:
In addition, our Skt. Josef’s primary students study the following locally designed subjects:
Art and Craft
Personal, Social, Health and Economics
Selected students also have the opportunity to study the Danish Ministry of Education’s Advanced Danish subject at their respective Year level.
Parent information
Parents’ meetings are held at the beginning of the new school year. Parents, without their children, are invited to come along to information meetings. The topics cover everything from social to practical aspects of school life such as the school year, the curriculum and important dates. This is an opportunity to ask any questions you might have.
Parent/Teacher conferences are held twice a year. Parents are allocated a time slot when they and the student can come and talk with their subject teachers.