Policies and Guidelines
“All children and young people need a safe and stable childhood in order to flourish and grow, and in order to have the best conditions for learning. Luckily, most children have this kind of life.”
Skt. Josef's International School has various policies and guidelines to help us to
Run a safe and orderly school environment
Provide guidance on acceptable behaviours and expectations for students, staff and community
Create a productive learning environment to ensure that students receive a quality education
Provide clear explanations about procedures and Danish protocols.
As a school it is important that we have these established policies and guidelines to create standards of quality for learning and safety, as well as expectations and accountability.
About alcohol, smoking and the use of products with nicotine
The current law on smoking and alcohol means that the school premesis are completely smoke- and alcohol-free. The guidelines apply during teaching hours, both at school and on trips off the premesis. It is not permitted to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or use e-cigarettes, snuff or other nicotine products.
If the school finds that a student has violated the school's guidelines, the parents will be contacted and the student will be sent home for the rest of the day. If a teacher suspects consumption of alcohol, smoking or similar, the parents will also be contacted.
About energy drinks during school hours
The school recommends that students do not drink energy drinks and soft drinks during class time. The Danish Health Authority advises against children and young people consuming energy drinks, due to their high content of caffeine and sugar.
Policies and guideline documents include the following areas:
Child protection
ICT Acceptable Use
Incident and bereavement
Special leave
Dress Code
We do not wear school uniforms at the school, but we do have a dress code – your clothes should be appropriate.With that in mind, remember that the school is your workplace.
This means that you need to attend school in clothes appropriate for the occasion, so please consider what signals you are sending with your clothes.
These documents are available for parents via the intranet or upon request.