Board of Governors
Skt. Josef's School is a self-governing institution with a board that consists of three elected members and four appointed by the church.
The three elected members are parents that are elected for two years. The election takes place during the at the Forældreforeningen (Parent Association) general meeting.
The four appointed members comprise of one from Skt. Laurentii Church Council, and three appointed by the Catholic bishop in Copenhagen.
All parents with children at school are automatically included in the Forældreforeningen.
Board of Governors 2024-25
Christian Duus-Lund
Parent elected
Member of the Forældrekreds (Parents' Association Board)
Raquel do Nascimento
Vice Chairman
Appointed by Skt. Laurentii Church council
Ellen Gjedde
Appointed by the bishop
Claes Reinhardt
Appointed by the bishop
Britt Burnett
Parent elected
Member of the Forældrekreds (Parents' Association Board)
Mariam Modi
Parent elected
Chairman of the Forældrekreds (Parents' Association Board)
Martin Kofoed
Without voting rights
Kevin Goggins
Vice Principal
Without voting rights
Christian Bruckloher
Representative of the Staff
Without voting rights
Berit Bjørnebo Pedersen
Secretary of the board
Without voting rights