Update 17th March 2:00 pm

Dear parents and staff of Skt. Josef’s School,

First to the teachers, thank you for the hard work you have put into organizing staffing, distance learning, emergency care, etc. It has been a pleasure to see how you have professionally presented yourself with the many challenges posed by the crisis.

Secondly, to the parents, it has been lovely to receive so much positive feedback from you on Intra and Facebook. You have all been so helpful downloading books and materials and supporting your children at home.

We are all doing our best to develop and improve the distance learning program, even if the technology has been teasing us due to the high demands on the servers.

It is important that we all prepare for the unfortunate fact that the closure may last longer than the 14 days that was first announced. We regard distance learning as an "ordinary" school day, therefore it is important that you remember to inform teachers through the usual channels if your child is ill.

We are all deeply affected by what we see and hear, and many are worried and afraid. I ask that you will all do what you can to create a little structure in the lives of our students and other children at home.

Skt Josef's School has emergency care of children for parents that have no other options. This is only if necessary. We will do our best to comply with all the procedures prescribed by the authorities in relation to hygiene, distance, etc.

If you have children in the International School, write to Dom dm@sjs-roskilde.dk but ONLY if you need to use the emergency care.

Warm greetings

Mads Frost Hansen
Acting Principal

Rikke Holm