Frequently Asked Questions

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Will my child get a place?

We can not guarantee that there is a space available. There may be an immediate space available in some classes, while other classes, (especially our younger classes) there might not be a free space. Once a registration form is completed the child will be placed into the waiting-pool and Skt. Josef's International School will contact you when a space is available. This also means that there might be a place for one sibling but not the other.

Do I need a CPR number?

The CPR number is a Danish personal identification number. In order to start at Skt. Josef's International School, students and parent must have a CPR number or be able to provide evidence that a CPR number is pending. Families must present themselves to the municipality (kommunes borgerservice) in which they live to register their address and request a CPR.

Click here for information about CPR numbers

What time does school start?

Lessons start at 8 am. 

Lessons finish at varying times depending on the age group, anywhere between 12.45 pm and 3.10 pm.

How many students in a class?

There is a maximum of 24 students per class, (except for Year 1 that has a maximum of 20 students).

Is there a canteen?

There is a small canteen ( a ‘tuck-shop’ window) where students from Year 3 to Year 11 can buy a sandwich, pasta, salad, etc. It is very basic, not like UK 'dinners' or US cafeteria lunches. Most students bring a packed lunch to school. Students from Year 9 to Year 11, with permission, may leave school during break time to walk into town for lunch.

What does my child need for Physical Education?

Students need to bring a change of clothes for PE, something suitable for the activity and the weather. Teachers will inform students whether their class will be inside or outside via Intra. Most PE lesson are at the school in the gym, multisalen (small gym), or on the playing fields next to the school. For our older students, some lessons might be at the Roskilde Halen, a 20min walk from the school.

Students from Year 4 and older will also need a towel as it is compulsory for them to shower after PE lessons.

Additionally, Year 5 students go to weekly swimming lessons, they will travel by charter bus to Jyllinge.

What is Intra?

Intra is short for the schools' parent and student intranet. Students and parents will receive instructions on how to receive access. All school-home communication is conducted via Intra. Communication such as: email, general notices, calendar, booking appointments, assigned homework, and more.

Parent Intra user guide - Please note, that Skt. Josef’s School require a UNI-login. We do not supply you with a username and a code.

Parent Intra mobile app

How do I get my Parent UNI-login?

Is there a uniform?

No. Students wear their own appropriate clothes.

Students should always come prepared for the weather. Students in the primary classes MUST go outside for play during break times. Therefore, warm clothing, clothing for the rain or a change of clothes is advisable.

There is no uniform for PE either. However, students will be provided with a team kit when they represent the school at DISNAC (Danish International School Network Athletic Conference) sporting events.


Housing can be difficult to find in central Roskilde. We advise families to broaden their search to the towns and villages in the wider Roskilde Kommune (municipality) area. Short-term renting can be difficult to find as most rental agreements are for two-year periods. Some families utilise the skills of a relocation professional to find suitable housing and other services to assist in settling-in. Skt. Josef’s School recommends Lene Minshall at Copenhagen Expats.

Are there support groups I can contact?

Coffee Mornings: a group of international parents meet informally on alternate Fridays. These are held in the SFO lounge. This is a great place to make friends and get information.

Roskilde Library: the local library has many services and events specifically for internationals.

Internationals in Roskilde: this is a Facebook group which can be useful for asking general information about Roskilde, finding accommodation, searching for services and joining social events.

SJIS Parent Group: this is a closed Facebook group just for Skt. Josef's International parents. Families will receive an invite when they join our community.

Where can I park?

The parking spaces in front of the school are primarily for visitors.

The driveway is closed each morning from 7.30-8.00. This is for the safety of the children arriving by bicycle or on foot.

The whole area directly out the front of the school (on both sides of the road) is a no stopping/no parking zone. Again, this is for the safety of other road users.

Information on parking restrictions and alternative recommendations can be found here.

Do we have to be Catholic?

No. Skt. Josef's School is a place where all are welcome. However, as a school founded by Christian tradition, we do ask all those that join us to participate in all our community celebrations, some of which take place in the church or cathedral.

Can we apply if we are Danish?

Yes. Children that have previously attended international school abroad are given priority, even if they are Danish citizens. 

Can my child start in the International and then move to the Danish Department?

Yes and No. If students enroled in the International Department wish to move to the Danish Department they will be placed on the bottom of the Danish wait list. The Danish Department has very long wait lists and we do this to ensure that the International Department is not used as a short cut into the Danish Department.


What should I do if my child is sick?

If your child is ill, then they should stay at home.

Employers in Denmark allow 1-2 days (depending on the employment agreement) to look after sick children. A parent or guardian should then contact the class teacher via the ‘Contact Book’ on Intra so that the absence can be recorded as sick leave.

If your child become ill during the day, they will be sent home. If they are of primary age they will come to the school office and someone will call home/work and ask for the child to be collected. If they are of secondary age, the child will call the parents to make arrangements, which depending on how sick they are, could be to make their own way home.