Skt. Josef's School Structure

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Skt. Josef’s School has two systems sharing one campus, The International Department and the Danish Department. Within the international school, the curriculum come from Cambridge International Education, which is used in over 10,000 schools worldwide.

All classroom instruction takes place in English, in all subjects (except Danish and other foreign languages) and is taught by English speaking teachers.

There is also a minimum of two lessons Danish lessons, required by law, in all international classes. Follow the link for more information on Danish in the International.

Children start at 5 years old in Year 1 and finish at around 16 years old in Year 11 after completing the IGCSE exams.


The Danish School follows the Danish Ministry of Education curriculum. Danish students start at 6 years old (børnehaveklasse or 0.klasse) and complete exams at the completion of the 9th class (9.klasse). There is an optional 10th class (10.klasse) which acts as a gap or transition year before students move on to gymnasium or other high schooling. Read more here.

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